409A Valuation Cost


Whether you are a startup or in your growth phase or expansion phase – you can save thousands of dollars with our flat pricing structure instead of tiered pricing for a 409a valuation.

Have you raised any preferred round of funding – Seed, Series A, Series B or higher?

Sharp 409A is the only firm to offer a FLAT price for a 409a valuation which is independent of the stage of the company being valued. We use proprietary technology to remove the incremental costs associated with increase in complexity arising from the higher funding round.

409a valuation cost


FLAT FEEper 409A report*
  • This comprises a thorough 409A Report that will be signed by a qualified industry expert possessing the best of certifications.*We provide full Audit Support to our clients. Our audit-support services will attract an additional fee at the rate of $150 per hour.*Get price on request, please contact sales@sharp409a.com


  • We provide the first draft report within two working days (instead of weeks) of receiving all the required details to perform the analysis.
high quality 409a report

Quality is not always expensive


Achieving high quality output while reducing the time is a holy-grail in modern day businesses. Sharp 409A has been able to achieve both these goals through technology. Our software-aided expert analysis ensures reliable results and helps us produce high quality 409A valuation reports.

At the same time it also helps us increase the throughput. Our valuation professionals use their years of experience and knowledge to churn out the best of 409A valuation reports. The comprehensive 409A reports thus produced will ensure your company is compliant.


Waste neither Time nor Money, but make the best use of both.

-Benjamin Franklin

How does Sharp 409A compare with other vendors?


Area of Comparison

  • Pricing structure
  • Time
  • Fast-track Service
  • Report detail
  • Unique combination
  • Specialist Experience
  • Audit Ready?
  • Quality

Sharp 409A

  • Flat
  • 2 working days
  • Not required
  • 60+ pages
  • Software + Experts
  • 10+ years in 409A valuations
  • Yes
  • Adheres to AICPA guidelines

Other Vendors

  • Tiered
  • 3-4 weeks
  • Additional charges
  • 25-90 pages
  • Mainly rely on experts
  • Varied
  • May or may not
  • Not sure

Get rid of your valuation worries and focus on what you do best by choosing Sharp 409A as your valuation partner.

Imagine you start your company or have a startup business, and you want to give out stock options to your employees, you will be required to figure out how much those options are worth. Normally private companies seek out a 409A valuation from an independent valuation service firm before issuing their options. This plays an important role because it determines the price at which employees can buy the stock later.

To figure this out, you have to appoint a team of professionals to calculate the value of the company. This is known as 409A valuation”. It’s like getting an expert opinion on how much your company or business is worth. This is really useful when you’re about to give out stock options, as it supports making sure you’re setting a fair price for those options.

Getting a 409A valuation might sound expensive, But the 409A Valuation Cost can vary ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 or more. Often it depends on how big size and complicated your company is. For smaller startups and companies in their early business stages (Series A), it could be around $1,000 to $3,000. If your company is bigger and has gone through multiple rounds of funding or investments(Series B-C), it might be around $3,000 to $5,000. Remember, these numbers can change based on the company performing the valuation.

Is 409A Valuation Acutally Necessary

For a startup in the earliest stages of development, this seems like a huge waste of money and time because you are just starting and your company doesn’t have any sales, assets, or a clear business plan yet. You might think, “Why pay someone to tell me my company isn’t worth much?” that your stock is worth so little?

Here is a twist, Even if your company is in the startup stage and does not have accurate value right on time, it is still an ideal choice to get 409A valuation service from an independent and experienced expert. It helps you to avoid troubles with the IRS. In fact, to avoid this hassle, depending on your company’s industry, kind your business, and age, the 409A Valuation Price can vary. All you have to do is contact a professional firm to find out.

Choosing the Right Partner for Cost-Effective 409A Valuation

Sharp 409A, is known as a professional service provider of 409A valuations. They’re specialists in this field, with a proficient understanding of valuations and the legal aspects involved. Their valuation service can help ensure that your share prices are fair, which is vital when you’re providing shares to your employees. Plus, if you’re ever questioned by the IRS, you’ll have a solid defense ready.

Factors That Determine 409A Valuation Pricing

As mentioned above, Shar 409A can help you get the 409A valuation at an effective cost using one of the 409A valuation methods that best suits your business stage, industry, and situation.

Stage of Company( Seed, Series A, Series B, Series C)

Your company is like a growing plant, that has different stages. When a company starts it goes through different stages and each stage is different. When a company starts its business it’s like a small seeding company is just an idea or a small project. At this stage, hasn’t grown much and doesn’t have value. the company gets its initial funds to begin its journey.

As the company grows a bit more, it’s like a plant growing stronger and taller. Now the company has achieved its first bigger rounds of investment from venture capitalists (VC). This round is known as “Series A funding”. During this stage, the company increases its assets and overall value.

After this step, the company keeps getting bigger, there are more rounds that the company have to face like “Series B”, “Series C”, and sometimes even more like “Series D”, “Series E” and so on. Each of these rounds is like a new phase of growth for the company and its value

becomes so big that it’s almost ready to become a public company(full-grown tree). Company shares could be traded on the stock market keeps going up.

Sometimes, the company becomes so large that it’s almost ready to become a public company (full-grown tree). The company’s shares could be traded on the stock market. At this point, the company might also be attractive to other firms who want to buy it. These are the times when the company might have “Series C” or other later-stage funding rounds to get even more support.

Now it demands more effort and attention ( like a grow plant) as it gets bigger, figuring out the value of a growing company becomes more difficult and detailed as it goes through these several stages. This procedure of figuring out how much the company costs is called “409A valuation.” And because it takes more work and expertise as the company grows, the cost of doing this valuation also goes up. It’s like the effort to take care of the company’s growth becomes more intense, and that’s why the cost boosts with each new stage.

Size of Company (Revenue Per Year, Total Amount of Assets)

Another factor that impacts 409A valuation cost, is the size of the company. If a company is small and its business market is simple, the assessment isn’t too expensive. But as the company gets bigger its operations eventually become more complex. When a startup company grows, the assessment process becomes difficult, and the valuation cost of doing the assessment goes up. Remember, this is just a general idea of how size affects cost. The actual cost depends on the company’s financial information and details like how much money they make, what they own, and the procedure of work.

Complexity of Share Structure

As the company expanded things or share structure became more complex. they will be allocated by issuing warrants, employee options, preferred shares, and so on. Because of these, it is difficult to get the 409A valuation done so easily. This complexity in the company share structure may contribute to a higher 409A Valuation Price.

Company Industry

It is a crucial factor that highly affects 409A Valuation Price. Every industry has a different value and way of how things. When a company sells real things such as clothes, it is very easy to know their value. But if it’s a tech company with services or software, it’s become complicated. We have to think a lot to figure out how valuable the services they provide. That’s a reason it can be more costly to find out how much these kinds of companies are worth.

Age of Company

The age of the company matters a lot to know about 409A valuation cost. If a company is new, you might think it’s cheaper to do its valuable, but not that simple. New startups don’t have a stable track record, so it’s difficult to predict how much profit they make in the future. This extra work can make the valuation cost expensive.

Apart from this, in old companies, they have been around for a long time. It is very easy to predict how much money they make in the future. So we can say, this makes the valuation easier and not expensive as much.

Other Factors That Affect 409A Valuation Cost

There are also other factors that influence 409A Valuation cost including intangible assets, possible pending court, and so on. So it became hard to put a price on the valuation can cost more. But if the company has a good track record and has done valuation before, it can make things easier. This makes 409A Valuation Price cost-effective and less work to do.

Complexity in a 409A Valuation

When we talk about complexities, Sharp 409A Valuation means the following: 

Funding Level: The funding level in a startup refers to the money required to start and run a business. The investment in the company will be for product development, manufacturing, expansion, sales, and marketing. There are 4 levels of Startup funding: 

Seed: Financing is said to be of seed level when the money is raised in the early stages of the business. The company may or may not be huge as it initially comes from personal sources. 

Series A: Company has to complete a series of investments before it can get into the initial public offering stage. Stage A is the next step of that funding round, the first being the seed funding. In this funding stage, a business needs to develop a business model to generate long-term profit. Series A rounds generally raise $2 million to $15 million. The amount can increase on average depending upon tech industry valuation or unicorns.   

Series B: This funding level takes the business to the development stages. Here investors look to help the startup expand its market reach. After Series A funding, the business already set the base to convince an investor of the business potential. Series B funding ranges between $30 Million and $60 million. 

Series C and higher rounds: When a business seeks Series C funding, they are already successful. They have already acquired the market and gained the investors’ confidence. Here they seek additional funding for developing new products and business expansion to new markets or acquisitions. 

Material Events: The complexity through significant events also impacts the 409A valuation report. 

Company Size (Consolidation, Expansion, and Merger): Whenever a company acquires any other company the complexity in the books of account increases. Same way when a company opens its branch the transaction increases and gives rise to some complexity.